The Anti-Phishing Code is a code of your choice, known only to you. It will be included in all system emails from WhiteBIT Georgia. The Anti-Phishing Code helps distinguish legitimate emails from phishing emails and helps prevent fraudulent activity.
To enable the Anti-Phishing Code, you can follow this link and continue with step 3 or use the instructions below.
How do I enable anti-phishing code?
- Log in to your account, select the Profile icon, and select “Security” from the drop-down menu.
- Find the “Anti-Phishing” section and click the “Edit” button.
- Then click the “Continue” button.
- Then enter the desired Anti-Phishing Code.
The code must be between 4 and 20 characters long and must not contain any special characters. Choosing a code that is not easy to guess but easy to recognize is recommended.
- Click “Save” and enter the 2FA code if enabled.
Done! To check how it works, log back into your account. Now, every email from WhiteBIT Georgia will contain your Anti-Phishing Code. Thus, you will be sure that the information comes from the exchange's official website.
You can always change the Anti-Phishing Code in the same menu.
In case of any questions related to the functionality of our exchange, you can:
- Leave a request on our website;
- Write to the support e-mail:;
- Write to the chat using the button in the lower right corner of the screen.